on another note: participatory journalism

e-competencies (english here). amazing networked translated live seminar. great stuff to think about. from where you´re at, what implications, aplications can apprehending this have for you? what ever you do.

The Jumping Frijoles

 improv acting group. went last night with fer. good times.

got diplomatized

no, i´m not hanging it behind me. neither am i going to frame it. i don´t even have a cool chair to sit on.
this is just a beginning you see.


Perspectiva 2.0

about this.

my machine

i use phones like i use underwear and socks, ´till disintegration.
no camera. no infrared. no bluetooth. no apps. no games. no color.
just huge blistered balls.
this is my machine.


i´m going back to uni to talk about marketing, media and comms. got invited by the professors that got me thinking in all this stuff in the first place, before i got a placement, was a trainee, junior copywriter, now a creative (this is because i think you´re supposed to be aware of everything, take risks and embrace opportunities to do and have fun, at work or not. i mean, do stuff you´re not going to get paid for, do it and enjoy it).
i´ve prepared something 2.0 focused, this doesn´t mean we´re not going to talk traditional, it´s the vertebrae of most of the things we do. but i want to talk about where i want to go, not where i´m at.
finishing up now, it´s in a couple of hours.
i´ll upload the ppp in a few days. thanks to Paul Isakson, Neil Perkin and Jerome Courtial for the great reads, everything i´m going to say, they said it first. cheers.
wish me luck.

oh, and today is Internet´s birthday.

how long could you survive chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor?

I could survive for 1 minute, 6 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor 
¡WTF, this for Bunk Beds?
<3, FTW!


this is how i´m rolling into this weekend III

dance! and have a great weekend friends!

rel: this is how i´m rolling into this weekend.
this is how i´m rolling into this weekend II

RBD 08 idea

was liked very much. approved. movin´on!

i´m tah-eared

i´m tired of all the mtfs ´round here listening to coldplay and singin´with that sissy ass whistly voice.

 <3 you lot anyways.

like when

you want to post something and you forget in the middle of the title.

i´m zombie, going to bed.

working on

comms for Rosario Blog Day 08.  , conferences about technology and communication tendencies.

*anyways, if i´m going to be working on telling a story about 2.0 might as well work it that way too. if you have any cool stories or experiences in which new tech (yes, twitter too) helped you or your professional self or your how-to-swing-the-iron-9-better-self or whatever write me at facuvsfacu@gmail.com. much appreciated.

on another note, i had my first new project proposal presentation yesterday, first client. went very well. adjusted some things today. it will be a very long project though, so nothing to see here for now.

oh and thanks to Nicky´s initiative, working on a political wiki to help Obama (we´re putting our dime there) in his first 100 days in office. Whatdowedonow? the idea is to create a collaborative place where proposals and discussions can arise, the rest is up to you . (yes, we believe we can do anything, everything with everyone anywhere FTW!).

please help me with the 2.0 thing*.


i´ve been offered a

partnership to start a creative digital comms agency from scratch.

been really pushing towards something like that lately.

still a creative at the agency but also working on this project. regarding my other creative project with seba, i´m working on three things for it at the moment. so, i have a lot to do. thus, i won´t be posting for a while and if i do, it may suck.

oh, also been called to sign up for my posgraduate program on interactive digital comms specialization! AND been invited to give a chat at a marketing class at uni regarding virals. my first!

so all good for now.

back to work!

this is how i´m rolling into this weekend II

me love this scene.

related to: this is how i´m rolling into this weekend of course

friday interestings

- Blue Ocean Institute's FishPhone app for fish buying assessment. bit neurotic, but pretty cool. read here.

- More user control over ads. ListensToYou.

- Design project. EuropebyDesigner

- Bubble Project. Aki tells you about it.

it´s poorer than i thought. oh, well. that´s what i had in del.

ffffound images

from this wonderful place.

more shreds: Radiohead

LOL! this one´s good. i´m hurting.

about shreds here.


i <3 Battles

Doctor Bizarro

a Doc band member was a uni partner of some of the guys that work at the agency. they showed me this and i had to post it.

geek moment




seriously. 1/2 of the human population suffers from poverty. think you can help? do so, please. Donate to the Global Fund.

Blog Action Day '08

the world´s bloggers unite in this nonprofit event once a year to post about the same issue. this time, October 15th, is about poverty. the idea is to get people to discuss.

what do you have to say about it?

sign up, here.


Kaiser Mix yesterday - signals to Marcus & peeps

Marcus did the Kaiser Mix (read this post). i didn´t do the VIP thing so i couldn´t chat, but i said what i wanted to say and these are the remains.

i left The Kaiser a comment:

marcus it was fucking amazing. it was 5 pm over here and i was a watching a bloke live drinking, smoking, DJing from some bar in munich. interacting (via paper signs since i couldn’t chat due to some vip thing) with other´s who were listening/watching like seb, mike, werbeblogger (with whom we did the simpson rave time). i was surprised there were so few of us at such an amazing event. i´m not saying you´re the first man on the moon but it was really inspiring to see this. in fact, i thought about it all night, while i cooked, while i showered. there´s a lot to do! and technology has nothing to with it. it´s what we do with it, like you, marcus, you crazy fuck. the sound was shit on yahoo, but it was better than i expected, i thought it was all going to be noise, white noise, due to the mic on where? your notebook? those are shit. here, you need channels, like a portastudio where you can stream the blip directly mix it with the bar ambiance from your mic and send it thought the yahoo stream. still you could hear the ambient in the bar and the girls or guys that approached you to say whatever. ok i´m ranting and i got distracted now. i´ll post this experience on my blog soon. too much work now. congrats marcus. inspite of the criticism, it was fucking AMAZING (and that´s the only adjetive i know) c ya!

he said:
Facu - thank you. thank you for last night. I’m really sorry about the chat - it was one of the things I buggered up really (VIP access I ask you!) but those signs you were holding up were bloody brilliant.

sorry for the lazy post.

the kaiser mix

live blipping from a bar in Munich.
music will be blipped. you can suggest tunes via twitts (i did). if your tune goes on it will be on the playlist.
go kaiser!

just at the right time

i´m reading it

a friend lent it to me.
every night in bed, with my girl, we read a little of the Kama Sutra, like a bed time story. i really don´t care about the pictures, i think the interesting part of it is the filosofical side and how this culture thought of life and how to live it on earth.
ojo, we read it and i fall asleep. and that´s it. :S

Cecchini Mother´s Day


videos by Keith Loutit using a technique called tilt-shift. do-able lens blur in photoshop to achieve the same effect.

via and here.

no regret mailing

When you enable Mail Goggles, it will check that you're really sure you want to send that late night Friday email. And what better way to check than by making you solve a few simple math problems after you click send to verify you're in the right state of mind?

my phone knows everything about me campaign

observation. truth. testimonial. networked. cool. real. people. stories. tone. simple. interactive. anticipation. fun. strategic. documentary. this is my kind of salad.
even though it´s a week ´till the major part of it is unlocked, i <3 it.
nokia and w+k are tangoing.

Bush and Condi

all you need to know about the US crisis by Mr. Parr


saturday advance

Andrés Zacco on saturday. woot!

i have a brand

me and 600 other people (´till now) are building a brand. this is a project by La Doma and it´s very cool. check it out.

Truant Waves at You campaign / campaña Truant Te Saluda

post this on your blog or wave at a friend.

who is Truant?
it doesn´t matter. Truant Waves at You.

tip: stare at the centre of the photo strip. scroll up/down quickly for dazzling Truant-wave effect.

note: you can use all this material. make a logo or something. help us, help the Truant-wave.

postealo en tu blog o saluda a un amigo.
por qué?
quién es Truant?

no importa. Truant Te Saluda.

pista: mirá fijamente al centro de la secuencia de fotos. scrolleá arriba/abajo rápidamente para lograr un poderoso efecto de saludo-Truant.

podés usar todo este material. hacé un logo o algo. ayudanos, ayudá al saludo-Truant.

fly strip test