social networkin´ bank

continuing with they´re "Owners" campaign, Banco Hipotecario launched an online community that allows people to upload photos and videos. basically, they´re doing the Facebook, MySpace dance and i love it. don´t know how well it´s working though, but i have faith.

they´re using a cheap internet tool to get closer to their customers. cheers to that.

here´s a new net where the user can express and share photos and videos in different categories, like "Labrador Owner" for pets or "BBQ Owner" for friends, and even "Nerd Owner" for everything related to electronics and computers.

everyone can publish, and there´s a voting system, so winners will get monthly prices like LCD TVs and the most voted will also get discounts and promotions and that type of shit.

it´s the ideal medium for people to express themselves and get involved in the communicational concept that identifies the bank, what it´s like to be an "Owner".

virality , if there is such a word.
no geographical barriers.
non invasive.
it´s everywhere.

good one bank people, agency people, people.


0 blah blah blahs: