link roll. busy times.

- meet _S_A_R_A_H_. on Aki´s amazing blog. it´s not all Juan Cabral at Fallon peeps or anywhere else. beautiful ideas can come from anywhere. i love how these don´t even remind me of advertising, yet still are powerful, real, interactive, impactful creative comms strategies.

...maintaining a live, ongoing, public conversation with fans as well as thoughts on how the modern television series is evolving, extending and enhancing their characters and stories using the social web to engage and inspire fans.
i fucking <3 this!

- this post by Nicky - thoughts on brands. like killing them off. a bit too much. i had my say. and we´re all happy now.

- Shaq on Twitter - "Subway it is turkey n cheese um um um lol". yes, it´s him. funny as hell too. and he´s doing My Kidz a Star - a kids video comunity site. check Mimi O´Neal out. surreal!

the Monty Python YouTube channel! - and make sure that vagina is sufficiently lubricated chaps! in context, i can say this sort of thing see?

- PullandBear - clothes. style. cool. teens. did i say cool?

- Method - it´s green. it´s stylish. it´s very well taken care of.

- This is Now - from Sprint. a conceptual widget land..

- Bike Hero by Droga5 - on Paul´s excellent blog.

- yes, i put Iphone stuff on here. but i could care less which computer i use as long as it works and it lets me get to all my stuff online and i´m not a bitter PC user. ok, yes i am. - like numeric pad app for laptops. nice.

- Energuy  - another energy saving site. there´s always a new way.

- and Marvel´s Guide to Manhattan. 

ah, feel much better now.

going to bed. RBD tomorrow morning. then work. RBD. work. RBD. then more work and work some more.

i´m thinking of hospitalizing twitter for a pitch i have coming up. tell you more about that later.

2 blah blah blahs:

AKI SYSTEMS 2600 said...

thanks for the vote. actually, this Marvel Manhattan idea is fresh, too. i need that map!

Unknown said...

truth be told