we went to a couple of scrapyards the other day. funny thing is we went because we´re working on a campaign for a fashion brand, Wings. last place you´d look for inspiration is a scrapyard right? wrong.
i´ll get back on what happens with the proposals. here are some pics for now. cool stuff.
18:24 | about living / viviendo | 0 Comments
here, have a worm
take a tube of brown acrylic paint and squezee into a coffee cup. pour a little water. show your friends the "worm" you found at the bottom of your cup. augh!
11:49 | about living / viviendo | 0 Comments
the other day a friend that used to work here asked if i had pics from the great hail storm in Rosario about a year ago. i found a compilation that Gaby had donde. we had to take all the computers down, the fucking thing destroyed us!
11:34 | about living / viviendo | 0 Comments
beware of the sun
january/4/2008. institutional press ad for Previnca and products.
18:34 | about trying / intentando | 0 Comments
editing is fun!
january/1/2008. again, just having fun doing a compilations of work the agency did for the past decade for San Cristóbal and also, since things slow down in the summer, i had a little time to try something out for us.
18:28 | about playing / jugando | 0 Comments
cursi = tacky or corny
december/11/2007. we finished our christmas cards. actually, we didn´t really make any. we bought the typical ones from a store, put a sticker on them and sent them on their merry way.UNGUILTY SPONSOR OF THE TACKIEST CARDS THIS CHRISTMAS.
18:11 | about failing / fallando | 0 Comments
try something else
july/03/2007. just trying things out, to have a little fun. i made these radio spots for a lottery agency, Los Dos Chinos.
Man talking like He-Man: Hi, I´m Charles! Salesman and half fielder on my club´s team. Fabulous and surprising possibilities were given to me the day I played at Los Dos Chinos and said: "Everything´s possible!" My basement turns into an entertainment room and I beat all my friends on the video games, I make fun of them and we laugh until sunrise. I´m Carlos and I´m happy.
8o´s Presenter: The "Everything is possible" has more possibilities. Play at Los Dos Chinos. More chances. More happy people.
Knight Rider Presenter: George. Intrepid adventurer. A man that said: "Everything´s possible". Played at Los Dos Chinos and now finds himself embarked on a trip through out all of south america in a spectacular car. Sleeps in five star hotels, visits the best beaches and isn´t scared of using a thong. George, a happy man.
8o´s Presenter: The "Everything is possible" has more possibilities. Play at Los Dos Chinos. More chances. More happy people.
17:45 | about trying / intentando | 0 Comments
what a promo
november/29/2007. for Cecchini´s christmas promo. buy a purse, take a beach mat. oh yeah! and no budget. we didn´t have any for this either so it´s no excuse.
14:41 | about failing / fallando | 0 Comments
november/12/2007. this is work for Asistem Previnca. it´s a health plan that add on, this means the things that your health plan doesn´t cover, Asistem does.
the idea was to intervene "known" ads. so we did the whole production again, we copied a Lacoste ad (look here ) and a Gatorade ad (and here
the ads consisted of two parts these:

Asistem is here to add more health to your health coverage. Asistem. Your health more complete.
too bad our client´s lawyer didn´t let us go with it, oh well, you learn.
13:40 | about trying / intentando | 0 Comments
Corporate Social Responsibility
november/09/2007. Kretz is CSRible. We worked on an ad for a magazine specialized on this , this issue.

We work everyday to make social responsibility a part of us.
13:17 | about failing / fallando | 0 Comments
140th birthday
octobre/10/2007. San Cristóbal says happy birthday to La Capital.Congratulations La Capital. A habit that turns 140.
12:44 | about failing / fallando | 0 Comments
unity in diversity
october/04/2007. Kretz hosts family day once or twice a year, during which they treat a particular theme, like beeing green, so on that day, all of the company´s employees and guests do activities accordingly, like planting trees. this time the theme was unity in diversity, and the idea was to have lunch and watch a movie about it.
they asked us to do internal prints about this theme that were going to be put up on walls all around the plant. we took pictures of the actual people that worked there and made this.
At first sight we´re all too alike or too different.
Until you get to know each other a little more. There you realise that yes, you´re more alike then you thought or no, nothing like it, you´re very different. But, maybe now you don´t care much anymore. Because you made a friend or simply because he´s just nice, and you accept him, not for what he looked like at first sight, but for how he really is.
12:04 | about failing / fallando | 0 Comments
mother´s day drafts
september/28/2007. we pitched these drafted ideas for Cecchini (purses, bags, luggage store) small mother´s day campaign.
here´s the radio spot draft i made. and below´s the print.
Russian Scientist Translation: The gift was subministered by the husband at the start the day´s exercise. Hair irons. Blenders. Vaccum cleaners. Immediately, the effect was apparent. Some husbands, seriously affected, were removed from the exercise. That´s why, the dose of "gift" was augmented to a "Cecchini purse". The effect was immediate. Each husband received a big kiss. The mothers were happy. The exercise proved, without a doubt, that joy is proportional to gift.Proved. JOY IS PROPORTIONAL TO GIFT.
October 21. Mother´s day.
childish reasoning.You made dad a barbecue and he made you do the dishes.
You told mom she was mean.
Your dad doesn´t deserve a purse. Your mom does.You presented your boyfriend to your dad and he said he was short.
You didn´t call mom one sunday.
Your dad doesn´t deserve a purse. Your mom does.You asked dad for the car and he gave it to you with an empty tank .
You peed on mom´s face.
Your dad doesn´t deserve a purse. Your mom does.
this is the one that went. here´s radio and print.
Woman 1: Water? Flavored, finely gased and at room temperature, please.
Woman 2: Salad? Capresse with Port Salut cheese and acetto.
Woman 3: Stockings? Opaque, antislip, no tip and low waist.
Presenter: Purse? Cecchini´s. A craving for demanding mothers.
18:05 | about trying / intentando | 0 Comments
no party
october/10/2007. San Cristóbal were opening new offices. instead of making a big partey, they decided to make a big donation to children´s hospitals all across the country. excellent! but not as much as these drafts i guess. we pitched, they bounced back.
17:50 | about failing / fallando | 0 Comments
experimental videos
september/27/2007. trying to mix color and form letters that spell out the agency´s name with this known optical device. the agency´s color is orange. so, on one side there´s red and on the other yellow. it kinda worked out. :)
film it, flash it, flip it, tune it, paste it together. this is just the first part of the process.
also, took a pic of the agency´s front, then made a cardboard scale model of it. took it to places where i could put the agency in context to say something about it´s way of thinking communication. objetive: just to share.
ideas come when we take time to think.
communication begins when we get close to people.
17:23 | about playing / jugando | 0 Comments
regata kretz ´08
worked with a trainee on this one, Damian, him and Luis galoped this campaign, this is one of the prints i helped them with. sweet design work from Luis Callegari.
17:41 | about failing / fallando | 0 Comments
traffic safety
august/24/2007 the CPA (Argentinean Advertising Council) has a magazine, we did a traffic safety awareness ad for San Cristóbal, part of their commitment to traffic safety in argentina.
so, here´s the process.
i thought quite a bit on how when we drink, and know we´re going to drive, we tend to minimize things, the dangers, we trick ourselves, we mess up what we say, ´cause chances are things won´t be alright.
also thought, given the numbers (7,000+ dead) that we´re fucking children and if we´re going to be aware of something, we should start by being aware of how we behave.
hence this draft.

16:43 | about trying / intentando | 0 Comments
the value of things
july/19/2007. AM are a real estate agency, their web needs a face lift pronto. anyways, we had the opportunity to do a small institutional campaign for them.

Title: "Grandpa"
Tecnique: Crayons
Measures: 30 x 43 cm
To understand the value of your home.
The first step to sell it at the best price.
AM. We value your trust".

Title: "The comeback"
Tecnique: Keys
Measures: 35 x 35 cm
To understand the value of your home.
The first step to sell it at the best price.
AM. We value your trust".

Title: "Youth"
Tecnique: Collage
Measures: 40 x 60 cm
To understand the value of your home.
The first step to sell it at the best price.
AM. We value your trust".
"Ah! The hinges squeeking.
To understand the value of your home. The first step to selling it at the best price.
AM. We value your trust".
"Ah! The deposit filling up.
To understand the value of your home. The first step to selling it at the best price.
AM. We value your trust".
"Ah! The heater´s little noise.
To understand the value of your home. The first step to selling it at the best price.
AM. We value your trust".
14:08 | about trying / intentando | 0 Comments